Daily VolTech Stock & ETF Volume & Technical Ratings 7/24/2024

Highest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – CFG

2 – NVDA

3 – GLW

4 – IRM

5 – KKR

6 – MTB

7 – DHI

8 – RCL

9 – SYF

10 – STX

Lowest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – LW

2 – WBA

3 – LULU

4 – NKE

5 – ALB

6 – CRWD

7 – AAL

8 – EL

9 – BBWI

10 – APTV

Highest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – LW

2 – ROP

3 – STX

4 – FTV

5 – ENPH

6 – CSGP

7 – GD

8 – OTIS

9 – KLAC

10 – BSX

Lowest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – TFX

2 – EPAM

3 – PARA

4 – PODD

5 – DVA

6 – KVUE

7 – ADM

8 – TSN

9 – VTRS

10 – ZTS

Highest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – DPST

2 – WGMI

3 – NVDL

4 – CRPT

5 – KOLD

6 – NVDU

7 – DAPP

8 – BCHG

9 – CONL

10 – BITQ

Lowest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – BOIL

2 – NVD

3 – LABD

4 – TSDD

5 – MEXX

6 – NVDS

7 – SSG

8 – SRTY

9 – TZA

10 – NVDD

Highest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – AVDS

2 – OVT

3 – SDEM

4 – OVLH

5 – PBJA

6 – OVL

7 – RFEU

8 – TAFL

9 – GGM

10 – MAPP

Lowest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – BHYB

2 – VETZ

3 – FORH

4 – NUSB

5 – SBND

6 – JANH

7 – CPII

8 – LJAN

9 – IQDE

10 – SXUS

Highest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – AZTR

2 – VLCN

3 – JAGX

4 – CNSP

5 – GWAV

6 – MLGO

7 – AVTE

8 – GRI

9 – HLVX

10 – MULN

Lowest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – EBS

2 – TSSI

3 – WGS

4 – NRTB

5 – MIRA

6 – ZAPP

7 – WTO

8 – ASTS

9 – COE

10 – DEFTF

Highest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – DRMA

2 – SLG

3 – NUZE

4 – WORX

5 – OUT

6 – WHLR

7 – PIRS

8 – BBLG

9 – HOTH

10 – SGMO

Lowest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/24/2024’s Close:

1 – BOSC

2 – MCHX


4 – AMBO


6 – RETO

7 – OCS

8 – MXC

9 – OGCP

10 – BNPQF


Daily VolTech Stock & ETF Volume & Technical Ratings 7/23/2024

Highest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – NVDA

2 – IRM

3 – CFG

4 – FICO

5 – DHI

6 – GLW

7 – RCL

8 – GE

9 – KKR

10 – TRGP

Lowest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – WBA

2 – ALB

3 – LULU

4 – NKE

5 – EL

6 – CRWD

7 – AAL

8 – MOH

9 – UPS

10 – APTV

Highest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – UPS

2 – CRWD

3 – NXPI

4 – AOS

5 – GM

6 – PCAR

7 – GE

8 – LMT

9 – BRO

10 – PNR

Lowest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – EXC

2 – TFX

3 – INCY

4 – RMD

5 – GL

6 – ADSK

7 – PARA

8 – ACGL

9 – DVA

10 – HPE

Highest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – DPST

2 – NVDL

3 – NVDU

4 – WGMI

5 – CONL

6 – CRPT

7 – NAIL

8 – BCHG

9 – USD

10 – DAPP

Lowest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – NVD

2 – TSDD

3 – BOIL

4 – SSG

5 – NVDS


7 – UVIX

8 – SOXS

9 – SRTY

10 – TZA

Highest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – AWEG

2 – MAGG

3 – QLTA

4 – SOVF

5 – BTR

6 – RMIF

7 – SNPD

8 – FDTS

9 – EWUS

10 – XSMO

Lowest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – GGUS

2 – IDEC

3 – PSCX

4 – PSFJ

5 – FLAX

6 – XFIX

7 – TSEC

8 – HYKE

9 – XCLR

10 – KONG

Highest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – RGS

2 – EBS

3 – RGC

4 – MIRA



7 – HQGE

8 – TSSI

9 – WGS

10 – JMIA

Lowest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – EFSH

2 – VLCN

3 – CNSP

4 – JAGX

5 – GWAV

6 – AVTE

7 – HLVX

8 – MLGO

9 – MULN

10 – DSY

Highest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/23/2024’s Close:

1 – ADIL

2 – AZTR

3 – RGC

4 -SLG

5 – WHLR

6 – OUT

7 – GPAK

8 – ALPP

9 – SLRX

10 – SOAR

Lowest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/23/2024’s Close:


2 – SOGP

3 – BTTR

4 – NWYF


6 – EDTK

7 – XTLB

8 – SNTG

9 – ICCH

10 – WRNT


Price Level:Volume Sentiment Analysis For SPY (S&P 500), QQQ (NASDAQ 100), IWM (Russell 2000) & DIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average) ETFs 7/23/24

Markets have spent a lot of time reaching new all-time (SPY, QQQ & DIA) & 52-week highs (IWM) since our last index ETF price level:volume sentiment check in in April.

Throw in political uncertainty, geo-political conflicts globally & earnings season that are coming with high expectations & there is a recipe for increased volatility in the coming months.

With this in mind, the article below outlines the Buyer:Seller (or Seller:Buyer) sentiment at the various price levels that SPY (S&P 500), QQQ (NASDAQ 100), IWM (Russell 2000) & DIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average) ETFs have traded at over the past few years to gain insight into how market participants may feel at different support & resistance levels.

Due to the aforementioned new high price levels that each index ETF has been experiencing & the subdued volumes that we have seen for the past ~10 weeks most of the higher range price levels are still “NULL”, meaning that they are not 0, but there is not enough data currently to work with.

Additionally, you will notice as you go through the numbers that the higher prices tend to skew more towards the buyers, as there have been limited downside tests against these price levels, and the low volumes have not helped this.

Similarly, you will notice that there tend to be more sellers towards the lower ends of the price ranges.

Each section below contains a view of each index ETF’s chart (for a technical breakdown of each ETF’s chart please see this past weekend’s market review note), as well as a list of their current one year support & resistance levels with the volume sentiment noted beneath it on the table.

There is an additional table beneath this table with each price level’s sentiment, as well as a typed text version below that is able to be copied & pasted.

Note that “NULL, 0:0*” values denote areas that each name has traded at but with limited volume data to work with from a comparison standpoint in terms of creating a ratio of buyers:sellers (or vice versa).

Also, prices that do have a ratio of buyers:sellers (or vice versa) where the denominator is 0 are denoted with an asterisk “*” as well.

In the written lists of the price levels & volume sentiments the price levels that contain support & resistance levels are marked in BOLD.

Recall that at price extremes such as the highs that we have recently hit there will tend to be skewed data due to the small sample size & factor that into how you interpret each price level’s reported sentiment.

This is intended to serve as an additional tool to use during your due diligence process & is not meant to replace doing your own research & is not financial advice.

Price Level:Volume Sentiment Analysis For SPY (S&P 500) ETF

SPY ETF - SPDR S&P 500 ETF's Technical Performance Over The Past Year
SPY ETF – SPDR S&P 500 ETF’s Technical Performance Over The Past Year

SPY, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF has been experiencing low volume levels since the last sentiment analysis note (4/24/24) & is coming off of a fresh all-time high.

They’ve got the least one year support levels due to the way their price has advanced, making the list below even more important to review in the near-term, especially as their 10 day moving average has curled over bearishly above the price & is applying downward pressure on it.

One interesting thing to note is that in the event of a 10% decline from their recent all-time high they dive into a seller dominated area in terms of their support levels, which get more & more seller oriented as the price gets lower.

Should that be tested it will be interesting to see if the seller ratio gets diluted & there is strong support, or if prices continue lower & find their footing & traction at one of the next support levels, which have much more buyer pressure hsitorically.

Below is the list of the volume sentiments for SPY at the price levels it has traded at over the past 2-3 years.

SPY ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years At Their Current One Year Support & Resistance Levels
SPY ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years At Their Current One Year Support & Resistance Levels
SPY ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
SPY ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
Pt. 2 - SPY ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
Pt. 2 – SPY ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
Pt. 3 - SPY ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
Pt. 3 – SPY ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years

$570 – NULL – 0:0*, +2.77% From Current Price Level

$565 – NULL – 0:0*, +1.87% From Current Price Level

$560 – Buyers – 1.6:1, +0.96% From Current Price Level

$555 – Buyers – 2:1, +0.06% From Current Price Level – 10 Day Moving Average*

$550 – Buyers – 2:1, -0.84% From Current Price Level – Current Price Level*

$545 – Buyers – 2:1, -1.74% From Current Price Level

$540 – Sellers – 1.22:1, -2.64% From Current Price Level

$535 – Buyers – 0.7:0*, -3.54% From Current Price Level – 50 Day Moving Average*

$530 – Buyers – 1.5:1, -4.44% From Current Price Level

$525 – Buyers – 5.6:1, -5.35% From Current Price Level

$520 – Sellers – 1.38:1, -6.25% From Current Price Level

$515 – Buyers – 2.35:1, -7.15% From Current Price Level

$510 -Even – 1:1, -8.05% From Current Price Level

$505 – Sellers – 1.24:1, -8.95% From Current Price Level

$500 – Sellers – 1.31:1, -9.85% From Current Price Level

$496 – Sellers – 1.69:1, -10.57% From Current Price Level

$492 – Buyers – 1.7:1, -11.3% From Current Price Level

$488 – Buyers – 1.27:1, -12.02% From Current Price Level – 200 Day Moving Average*

$484 – Buyers – 1.22:1, -12.74% From Current Price Level

$480 – Buyers – 1.3:0*, -13.46% From Current Price Level

$476 – Buyers – 1.14:1, -14.18% From Current Price Level

$472 – Buyers – 2.25:1, -14.9% From Current Price Level

$468 – Buyers – 1.1:1, -15.62% From Current Price Level

$464 – Sellers – 1.35:1, -16.34% From Current Price Level

$460 – Buyers – 0.6:0*, -17.06% From Current Price Level

$456 – Buyers – 1.21:1, -17.79% From Current Price Level

$452 – Buyers – 2.9:0*, -18.51% From Current Price Level

$448 – Buyers – 1.33:1, -19.23% From Current Price Level

$444 – Buyers – 1.48:1, -19.95% From Current Price Level

$440 – Sellers – 1.12:1, -20.67% From Current Price Level

$436 – Buyers – 1.08:1, -21.39% From Current Price Level

$432 – Buyers – 1.14:1, -22.11% From Current Price Level

$428 – Buyers – 1.09:1, -22.83% From Current Price Level

$424 – Buyers – 1.02:1, -23.56% From Current Price Level

$420 – Sellers – 1.23:1, -24.28% From Current Price Level

$416 – Sellers – 2.62:1, -25% From Current Price Level

$412 – Buyers – 1.84:1, -25.72% From Current Price Level

$408 – Sellers – 1.22:1, -26.44% From Current Price Level

$404 – Buyers – 1.88:1, -27.16% From Current Price Level

$400 – Sellers – 1.42:1, -27.88% From Current Price Level

$396 – Sellers – 2:1, -28.6% From Current Price Level

$392 – Buyers – 2.18:1, -29.32% From Current Price Level

$388 – Buyers – 2.2:1, -30.05% From Current Price Level

$384 – Sellers – 1.04:1, -30.77% From Current Price Level

$380 – Sellers – 1.93:1, -31.49% From Current Price Level

$376 – Sellers – 2.5:1, -32.21% From Current Price Level

$372 – Sellers – 1.65:1, -32.93% From Current Price Level

$368 – Sellers – 1.26:1, -33.65% From Current Price Level

$364 – Sellers – 1.72:1, -34.37% From Current Price Level

$360 – Sellers – 1.79:1, -35.09% From Current Price Level

$356 – Buyers – 1.22:1, -35.82% From Current Price Level

$352 – Sellers – 4.25:1, -36.54% From Current Price Level

$348 – Sellers – 3:0*, -37.26% From Current Price Level

$344 – Sellers – 0.6:0*, -37.98% From Current Price Level

$340 – NULL – 0:0*, -38.7% From Current Price Level

Price Level:Volume Sentiment Analysis For QQQ (NASDAQ 100) ETF

QQQ ETF - Invescso QQQ Trust ETF's Technical Performance Over The Past Year
QQQ ETF – Invescso QQQ Trust ETF’s Technical Performance Over The Past Year

QQQ, the Invesco QQQ Trust ETF that tracks the NASDAQ 100 has also just come off of setting fresh all-time highs & is in a similar, but slightly more bearish technical position than SPY.

While QQQ’s ascent was more controlled than SPY’s which gives it more support levels, but if the 50 day moving average is crossed bearishly it will be imperative to assess the strength of each support level on its way down, especially as the top of the support from January-April’s trading range is at a Seller dominated price level (2.3:0*).

Below is a list of QQQ’s volume sentiment at each price level they’ve traded at for the last 2-3 years.

QQQ ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The past ~2 Years At Their One Year Support & Resistance Levels
QQQ ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The past ~2 Years At Their One Year Support & Resistance Levels
QQQ ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
QQQ ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
Pt. 2 - QQQ ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
Pt. 2 – QQQ ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
Pt. 3 - QQQ ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
Pt. 3 – QQQ ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
QQQ ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
QQQ ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years

$505 – NULL – 0:0*, +4.7% From Current Price Level

$500 – Buyers – 0.4:0*, +3.67% From Current Price Level

$496 – Buyers – 2:0*, +2.84% From Current Price Level

$492 – Buyers – 0.6:0*, +2.01% From Current Price Level

$488 – Sellers – 4:1, +1.18% From Current Price Level – 10 Day Moving Average*

$484 – Buyers – 1.3:0*, +0.35% From Current Price Level

$480 – Sellers – 1.09:1, -0.48% From Current Price Level – Current Price Level*

$476 – Sellers – 1.11:1, -1.31% From Current Price Level

$472 – Buyers – 2.5:1, -2.14% From Current Price Level

$468 – NULL – 0:0*, -2.97% From Current Price Level – 50 Day Moving Average*

$464 – Buyers – 0.7:0*, -3.8% From Current Price Level

$460 – Even – 1:1, -4.63% From Current Price Level

$456 – Buyers – 0.9:0*, -5.46% From Current Price Level

$452 – Buyers – 1.62:1, -6.29% From Current Price Level

$448 – Sellers – 2.3:0*, -7.12% From Current Price Level

$444 – Buyers – 11.5:1, -7.94% From Current Price Level

$440 – Buyers – 1.76:1, -8.77% From Current Price Level

$436 – Buyers – 1.25:1, -9.6% From Current Price Level

$432 – Sellers – 2.14:1, -10.43% From Current Price Level

$428 – Buyers – 1.77:1, -11.26% From Current Price Level

$424 – Sellers – 1.02:1, -12.09% From Current Price Level – 200 Day Moving Average*

$420 – Sellers – 1.74:1, -12.92% From Current Price Level

$416 – Buyers – 1.8:0*, -13.75% From Current Price Level

$412 – Sellers – 2:0*, -14.58% From Current Price Level

$408 – Buyers – 1.77:1, -15.41% From Current Price Level

$404 – Buyers – 4.86:1, -16.24% From Current Price Level

$400 – Sellers – 1.04:1, -17.07% From Current Price Level

$396 – Buyers – 1.17:1, -17.9% From Current Price Level

$392 – Buyers – 2.17:1, -18.73% From Current Price Level

$388 – Buyers – 2.6:0*, -19.56% From Current Price Level

$384 – Sellers – 1.74:1, -20.38% From Current Price Level

$380 – Buyers – 2.84:1, -21.21% From Current Price Level

$376 – Buyers – 3.86:1, -22.04% From Current Price Level

$372 – Sellers – 1.04:1, -22.87% From Current Price Level

$368 – Sellers – 1.46:1, -23.7% From Current Price Level

$364 – Buyers – 1.55:1, -24.53% From Current Price Level

$360 – Buyers – 1.17:1, -25.36% From Current Price Level

$356 – Buyers – 1.21:1, -26.19% From Current Price Level

$352 – Sellers – 1.64:1, -27.02% From Current Price Level

$348 – Buyers – 2.53:1, -27.85% From Current Price Level

$344 – Buyers – 1.47:1, -28.68% From Current Price Level

$340 – Even – 1:1, -29.51% From Current Price Level

$336 – Buyers – 1:0*, -30.34% From Current Price Level

$332 – Buyers – 2:1, -31.17% From Current Price Level

$328 – Sellers – 1.23:1, -32% From Current Price Level

$324 – Buyers – 3.83:1, -32.82% From Current Price Level

$320 – Buyers – 2.5:1, -33.65% From Current Price Level

$316 – Buyers – 1.02:1, -34.48% From Current Price Level

$312 – Sellers – 2.75:1, -35.31% From Current Price Level

$308 – Buyers – 1.69:1, -36.14% From Current Price Level

$304 – Buyers – 2.55:1, -36.97% From Current Price Level

$300 – Sellers – 1.25:1, -37.8% From Current Price Level

$296- Buyers – 1.33:1, -38.63% From Current Price Level

$292 – Buyers – 2.5:1, -39.46% From Current Price Level

$288 – Sellers – 1.06:1, -40.29% From Current Price Level

$284 – Sellers – 1.11:1, -41.12% From Current Price Level

$280 – Sellers – 1.1:1, -41.95% From Current Price Level

$276 – Buyers – 1.17:1, -42.78% From Current Price Level

$272 – Sellers – 1.78:1, -43.61% From Current Price Level

$268 – Buyers – 1.03:1, -44.44% From Current Price Level

$264 – Sellers – 1.18:1, -45.26% From Current Price Level

$260 – Sellers – 1.84:1, -46.09% From Current Price Level

$256 – Sellers – 5.2:0*, -46.92% From Current Price Level

$252 – NULL – 0:0*, -47.75% From Current Price Level

Price Level:Volume Sentiment Analysis For IWM (Russell 2000) ETF

IWM ETF - iShares Russell 2000 ETF's Technical Performance Over The Past Year
IWM ETF – iShares Russell 2000 ETF’s Technical Performance Over The Past Year

IWM, the iShares Russell 2000 ETF has set a fresh 52-week high recently, but has not reset its all-time high unlike the other three index ETFs.

The nature which IWM trades vs. SPY & QQQ is much more controlled & more like oscillations around a price range that steadily advance, whereas the other two ETFs favor more rapid ascents, which provides IWM with more support levels near their current price.

Below is a list of IWM’s volume sentiment at the price levels it’s traded at over the past 2-3 years.

IWM ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years At One Year Support & Resistance Levels
IWM ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years At One Year Support & Resistance Levels
IWM ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
IWM ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
Pt. 2 - IWM ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
Pt. 2 – IWM ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years

$228 – NULL – 0:0*, +3.5% From Current Price Level

$224 – NULL – 0:0*, +1.68% From Current Price Level

$220 -NULL – 0:0*, -0.13% From Current Price Level – Current Price Level*

$216 – NULL – 0:0*, -1.95% From Current Price Level

$212 – NULL – 0:0*, -3.76% From Current Price Level – 10 Day Moving Average*

$208 – Buyers – 2.4:0*, -5.58% From Current Price Level

$204 – Buyers – 1.97:1, -7.39% From Current Price Level – 50 Day Moving Average*

$200 – Buyers – 1.13:1, -9.21% From Current Price Level

$198 – Buyers – 2.08:1, -10.12% From Current Price Level

$196 – Buyers – 1.25:1, -11.03% From Current Price Level

$194 – Buyers – 1.29:1, -11.93% From Current Price Level – 200 Day Moving Average*

$192 – Sellers – 3.79:1, -12.84% From Current Price Level

$190 – Buyers – 1.08:1, -13.75% From Current Price Level

$188 – Sellers – 1.46:1, -14.66% From Current Price Level

$186 – Buyers – 4:1, -15.57% From Current Price Level

$184 – Buyers – 3.55:1, -16.47% From Current Price Level

$182 – Buyers – 1.03:1, -17.38% From Current Price Level

$180 – Sellers – 1.23:1, -18.29% From Current Price Level

$178 – Buyers – 1.17:1, -19.2% From Current Price Level

$176 – Buyers – 1.97:1, -20.11% From Current Price Level

$174 – Buyers – 1.52:1, -21.01% From Current Price Level

$172 – Buyers – 1.28:1, -21.92% From Current Price Level

$170 – Sellers – 1.88:1, -22.83% From Current Price Level

$168 – Sellers – 1.16:1, -23.74% From Current Price Level

$166 – Sellers – 1.85:1, -24.64% From Current Price Level

$164 – Sellers – 5.25:1, -25.55% From Current Price Level

$162 – Even – 1:1, -26.46% From Current Price Level

$160 – Buyers – 1.2:1, -27.37% From Current Price Level

$158 – NULL – 0:0*, -28.28% From Current Price Level

Price Level:Volume Sentiment Analysis For DIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average) ETF

DIA ETF - SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF's Technical Performance Over The Past Year
DIA ETF – SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF’s Technical Performance Over The Past Year

DIA, the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF‘s chart is much closer to IWM’s than SPY or QQQ’s, primarily because the latter have benefitted greatly from NVDA & other AI oriented components that the former two do not have.

As a result, they too have more local support levels, but it is important to note that the overwhelming majority of them are heavily buyer dominated, which means in the event of a decline we’ll see these figures become diluted

Below is a list of the volume sentiment at each of the price levels DIA has traded at for the last 3-4 years.

DIA ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years At One Year Support & Resistance Levels
DIA ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years At One Year Support & Resistance Levels
DIA ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
DIA ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
Pt. 2 - DIA ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
Pt. 2 – DIA ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years

$416 – NULL – 0:0*, +2.93% From Current Price Level

$412 – NULL – 0:0*, +1.94% From Current Price Level

$408 – NULL – 0:0*, +0.95% From Current Price Level

$404 – NULL – 0:0*, -0.04% From Current Price Level

$400 – NULL – 0:0*, -1.03% From Current Price Level – 10 Day Moving Average*

$396 – Buyers – 2:1, -2.02% From Current Price Level

$392 – Buyers – 2.6:1, -3.01% From Current Price Level – 50 Day Moving Average*

$388 – Buyers – 1.67:1, -4% From Current Price Level

$384 – Buyers – 1.05:1, -4.99% From Current Price Level

$380 – Buyers – 1.58:1, -5.98% From Current Price Level

$376 – Buyers – 1.75:1, -6.97% From Current Price Level

$372 – Buyers- 1.44:1, -7.95% From Current Price Level – 200 Day Moving Average*

$368 – Buyers – 1.88:1, -8.94% From Current Price Level

$364 – Even, 1:1, -9.93% From Current Price Level

$360 – Buyers – 0.2:0*, -10.92% From Current Price Level

$356 – Buyers – 1.2:1, -11.91% From Current Price Level

$352 – Buyers – 0.1:0*, -12.9% From Current Price Level

$348 – Buyers – 14:1, -13.89% From Current Price Level

$344 – Even – 1:1, -14.88% From Current Price Level

$340 – Buyers – 1.31:1, -15.87% From Current Price Level

$336 – Buyers – 1.5:1, -16.86% From Current Price Level

$332 – Buyers – 1.6:1, -17.85% From Current Price Level

$328 – Sellers – 1.09:1, -18.84% From Current Price Level

$324 – Buyers – 1.21:1, -19.83% From Current Price Level

$320 – Sellers – 1.41:1, -20.82% From Current Price Level

$316 – Sellers – 1.43:1, -21.81% From Current Price Level

$312 – Buyers – 1.04:1, -22.8% From Current Price Level

$308 – Sellers – 1.61:1, -23.79% From Current Price Level

$304 – Buyers – 1.29:1, -24.78% From Current Price Level

$300 – Buyers – 1.33:1, -25.77% From Current Price Level

$296 – Buyers – 1.14:1, -26.76% From Current Price Level

$292 – Even – 1:1, -27.75% From Current Price Level

$288 – Sellers – 1.86:1, -28.74% From Current Price Level

$284 – Sellers – 1.33:1, -29.73% From Current Price Level

$280 – Sellers – 11:1, -30.72% From Current Price Level

$276 – NULL – 0:0*, -31.71% From Current Price Level


Daily VolTech Stock & ETF Volume & Technical Ratings 7/22/2024

Highest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – NVDA

2 – IRM

3 – FICO

4 – DHI

5 – GLW

6 – TRGP

7 – TER

8 – KKR

9 – CFG

10 – RCL

Lowest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – WBA

2 – ALB

3 – CRWD

4 – LULU

5 – EL

6 – NKE

7 – AAL

8 – MOH

9 – DPZ

10 – APTV

Highest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – CRWD

2 – VZ

3 – DPZ

4 – APD

5 – WRB

6 – HAS

7 – IQV

8 – MSCI

9 – NXPI

10 – CDNS

Lowest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – ADM

2 – ADSK

3 – HOLX

4 – INCY

5 – COO

6 – PARA

7 – DD

8 – CF

9 – CTVA

10 – FAST

Highest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – NVDL

2 – NVDU

3 – DPST

4 – CONL

5 – WGMI

6 – BCHG

7 – CRPT

8 – DAPP

9 – USD

10 – TSLL

Lowest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – NVD

2 – TSDD

3 – BOIL

4 – SSG

5 – NVDS

6 – SOXS

7 – LABD

8 – UVIX

9 – NVDD

10 – SRTY

Highest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – NUSB

2 – SBB

3 – DVDN

4 – BTR

5 – CVSB

6 – SCLZ

7 – INKM

8 – UTRE

9 – FEBT

10 – SPAX

Lowest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – BEEZ

2 – XDOC

3 – ZTWO

4 – HYKE

5 – MCHS

6 – IQSM

7 – IPPP

8 – PWER

9 – XDJA

10 – FEBZ

Highest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – RGS

2 – EBS

3 – TSSI

4 – JMIA

5 – SERV

6 – WGS

7 – FXLV


9 – JVA

10 – KOSS

Lowest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – VLCN

2 – CNSP

3 – AZTR

4 – GWAV

5 – AVTE

6 – EFSH

7 – CJET

8 – HLVX

9 – DSY

10 – WENA

Highest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/22/2024’s Close:

1 – SLG

2 – CMAX

3 – OUT

4 – MEIP

5 – HEPA

6 – RR

7 – MIRA


9 – NUKK

10 – SGD

Lowest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/22/2024’s Close:



3 – XHG


5 – SGLY


7 – FISB

8 – NYHX

9 – BOSC

10 – VS


Weekly Stock & ETF Market Review 7/21/2024

SPY, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF fell -1.96% last week as low volumes continued on, while the VIX closed at 16.52, indicating a one day implied move of +/-1.04% & a one month implied move of +/-4.77%.

For those who missed it, check out last week’s post about how frequently SPY performs inside & outside of the VIX’s implied daily range & under varying levels of volume fluctuations here.

SPY ETF - SPDR S&P 500 ETF's Technical Performance Over The Past Year
SPY ETF – SPDR S&P 500 ETF’s Technical Performance Over The Past Year

Their RSI is at the neutral level of 50.16 after being overbought for weeks, which will make the coming sessions interesting as we watch to see if 50 is deemed “enough is enough”, or if it continues sinking further.

SPY’s MACD is bearish & looks content to continue lower in the coming week based on its histogram & past history, which if proves true will show RSI values moving further downward towards the 30 mark, oversold territory.

Volumes were still weak for SPY, -27.8% below the prior year’s average volume (51,178,120 vs. 70,887,296), which is a cause for concern given that the highest volume sessions were on declining days where money was flowing out of SPY.

Volume will remain a key element of trade for all ETFs discussed in this article in the coming week, as it will lend clues into the true sentiment of market participants behind whatever price moves we experience.

Monday began the week indicating that there was some weakness on the horizon last week, as the session resulted in a long-legged doji candle on mediocre at best volume, slightly advancing.

Tuesday’s high marked a new 52-week & all-time high for SPY, but the weakness in volume indicated that there was about to be a change of tune from market participants, which came about on Wednesday, when prices opened on a gap down on volumes that eclipsed the prior two days & entire month of July.

After the opening gap down on Wednesday prices tried to stay above the 10 day moving average’s support, including the test higher shown by the session’s upper shadow, but ultimately the day closed lower, right below the 10 DMA’s resistance.

Thursday opened slightly higher than Wednesday’s close & tested slightly higher, before tumbling to close well below the day’s open & the resistance of the 10 DMA.

Risk-off sentiment carried through into Friday, where prices again opened lower, made a modest attempt at going higher, before ultimately continuing to decline -0.66% for the session on the week’s strongest volume.

As previously noted, volume will be key for all indexes this week, as earnings calls & PCE on Friday have the potential to cause markets to jump around a bit, but the conviction behind the jump will be more important than the actual day-over-day percent changes.

Another area to keep an eye on for SPY & the other index ETFs is going to be their oscillators & indicators.

Following a three consecutive session decline things such as their RSI & MACD look markedly bearish, but based on their neutral RSI there is potential for early signals as to what comes next based on how this week’s changes to it play out.

RSI does not have to go from overbought to oversold & can just as easily resume upward movement from the neutral level where it sits now.

This seems unlikely based on how aggressive last week’s declines were & due to the fact that the 10 DMA has now curled over & is applying downwards pressure on SPY’s price.

SPY’s current share price sits midway between the resistance of the 10 DMA & the support of the 50 DMA, which happens to be SPY’s nearest support level., ~2% below the current price.

As was noted last week, SPY’s price behavior of recent following the bearish engulfing session of two Thursday’s ago have some similarities, making it likely to see some form of price consolidation in a controlled decline between the two moving averages in the near-term (similar to last July & August’s price behavior).

Should this hold true & prices drop below the 50 DMA & march lower towards SPY’s other support levels.

In the event of a 10% decline from the recently set all-time high, SPY’s price would decline to $508.64, which would mean there’d be a test of the support level at $509.11 that was established in late-April.

A decline to $544.99 would put SPY into a seller dominated price zone that would line it up for a test of the 50 DMA’s support, based on the limited data for these newly reached high price levels & the buyer:seller volume ratio.

Another important consideration when looking at the strength of support levels this close to all-time highs is that the data will be skewed towards the buyers, as most of the price levels have not been challenged much while prices marched higher.

With that in mind & looking at the most recent data below (will post a volume sentiment analysis later this week), the $525-529.99/share price level is the strongest in terms of historic buyer:seller volume sentiment.

Should prices continue lower through that & reach the $510-514.99/share level support will not be as strong, however the same concept related to the buyer’s strength at the high levels applies to the sellers strength at the levels that have historically seen more correcting price action to the downside before moving upwards again.

For the coming week expect to se further consolidation with perhaps a session or two of breath catching & mild advances until prices become wedged in tightly between the 10 & 50 DMA, unless there is some bad news event that causes outright sharp declines to continue.

Higher volatility & a higher Average True Range reading will likely continue into the next few weeks.

SPY has support at the $539.71 (50 Day Moving Average, Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 0.7:0*, $531.35 (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 1.5:1), $522.92 (Volume Sentiment: Sellers, 1.39:1) & $516.69/share (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 2.35:1) price levels, with resistance at the $557.39 (10 Day Moving Average, Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 1.6:1) & $565.16/share (All-Time High, Volume Sentiment: NULL, 0:0*) price levels.

SPY ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
SPY ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years

QQQ, the Invesco QQQ Trust ETF that tracks the NASDAQ 100 had the worst week of the major four index ETFs, declining -3.96% for the week, as market participants shied away from the tech-heavy index.

QQQ ETF - Invesco QQQ Trust ETF's Technical Performance Over The Past Year
QQQ ETF – Invesco QQQ Trust ETF’s Technical Performance Over The Past Year

Their RSI crossed over the neutral 50 level via Wednesday’s gap down session & has continued moving towards oversold levels, currently sitting at 50.

QQQ’s MACD is bearish & its histogram isn’t indicating signs of slowing down in the near-term, at least until the 50 day moving average is tested.

Volumes were -8.06% below average compared to the previous year’s average (40,935,280 vs. 44,522,493), as some life was breathed back into QQQ last week.

As noted in previous weeks’ posts, due to the length of time that volumes were subdued (9+ weeks) the total average volume of the past year has gone down as 10 weeks is ~19% of the year.

This should also be taken into consideration when reviewing the volume sentiment data that was just discussed for SPY & will continue to be discussed throughout the article, as much of the price action at the levels discussed took place within this relatively calm period.

QQQ’s week kicked off on a bit more ominous looking note than SPY’s, with Monday’s session resulting in a long-legged doji as well that was a slight day-over-day increase from the prior Friday, where volumes were actually not terribly weak if compared to the previous few month’s volume levels.

Tuesday had weaker volume indicating that people were becoming hesitant & the hanging man candle that closed lower than it opened (bearish signal) showed there was blood in the water, which was further confirmed with the temporary intra-day breaking below QQQ’s 10 DMA’s support.

QQQ jumped off the diving board aggressively on Wednesday, where the week’s highest volume session opened on a gap down & didn’t look back, continuing lower throughout the day to close near its low price & showing that traders had lost faith in the two month rally.

Thursday opened midway between Wednesday’s price range, only for the bleeding to continue as sellers came out in droves once again forcing prices lower & opening the door to further near-term declines based on the lower shadow of the session’s candle.

It became very clear that there was little-to-no enthusiasm left for QQQ & the week closed out on the same note, a risk-off into the weekend Friday session that continued pushing prices lower on a -0.89% daily decline.

There were a few glimmers of hope for QQQ that SPY did not share, such as more upside appetite on Friday based on the candle’s upper shadow & the fact that seller volume pressure went down each day after Wednesday, whereas SPY’s negative volume sessions only saw more & more volume each successive day.

Part of the former may be attributed to the fact that QQQ is closer to its 50 DMA’s support than SPY is, which put some upside pressure on their price.

Similar themes for QQQ’s near-term future were outlined in SPY’s section, as they have behaved in similar fashions in the recent AI-frenzy.

QQQ’s volume patterns will be important in predicting how prices will behave, particularly as earnings calls begin featuring more names that are NASDAQ components, as so far earnings calls have mostly been financial companies, which are not components of QQQ.

A -10% decline from QQQ’s all-time high that was set two weeks ago would bring prices to $453.17/share, putting it within the range of the Q1-Q2 consolidation range.

Should prices break down below the 50 DMA’s support that looks primed to be the destination of choice, especially given there is little-to-no data of value in terms of buyer:seller pressure for the $468-471.99/share price zone & the $460-463.99/share zone is a low volume gridlock between an even number of buyer & seller sentiment.

Given how much QQQ has already shed the more buyer-oriented extreme prices have passed, and similar to SPY, the $448-451.99/share zone that is currently lopsided to the sellers could become a strong support level that evens out vs. the current 2.3:0 ratio that favors the sellers.

Like SPY, expect to see QQQ’s Average True Range stay high in the coming week(s) as increasing volatility looks primed to continue.

QQQ has support at the $469.98 (50 Day Moving Average, Volume Sentiment: NULL, 0:0*), $459.85 (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 0.9:0*), $448.63 (Volume Sentiment: Sellers, 2.3:0*) & $447.34/share (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 11.5:1) price levels, with resistance at the $491.38 (10 Day Moving Average, Volume Sentiment: Sellers, 4:1) & $503.52/share (All-Time High, Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 0.4:0*) price levels.

QQQ ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
QQQ ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years

IWM, the iShares Russell 2000 ETF had the strongest weekly performance of the major index ETFs on revived volume, advancing +1.74%.

IWM ETF - iShares Russell 2000 ETF's Technical Performance Over The Past Year
IWM ETF – iShares Russell 2000 ETF’s Technical Performance Over The Past Year

Their RSI crossed back from overbought territory on Wednesday/Thursday & sits at 63.73, while their MACD is still bullish but has curled over looking to likely cross the signal line by mid-week, which the histogram supports as it too is falling.

Volumes were +61.32% above average last week compared to the previous year’s average (54,809,160 vs. 33,976,390), reflecting a healthy mix of growth & profit taking when combined with the volumes of late in the week prior.

Monday continued IWM’s rally from the previous week, as a gap up open near the prior Friday’s high set the stage for another session of marching higher, although volumes were signaling that there was waning enthusiasm at these price levels.

Tuesday made one last march higher on a gap up session that had a wide price range as indicated by the large daily candle & the highest volume of the week showed that there was going to be one last dive into the pool before it became time to head out.

Wednesday was the major profit taking session, where declining session volume was only -2.7% below Tuesday’s volume.

Further pain was on the horizon though as the gravestone doji (bearish) candle also created a bearish harami pattern on the two highest volume sessions of the week; there was a marked change of sentiment coming from market participants & weakness began emerging.

This carried on for the rest of the week, when Thursday opened on a gap down & despite trying to rally higher ultimately closed lower & the candle’s lower shadow signaled that there was more appetite for prices to continue declining.

Thursday’s volume also showed that profit taking was still alive & healthy in the wake of the prior week’s run up for IWM & the gap between Monday & Tuesday’s candles was filled.

Friday ended the week on a note of uncertainty, as prices opened lower, wanted to advance but ultimately declined for the day & resulted in a spinning top.

The session’s volume waned from the levels seen over the prior six sessions indicating that there was still profit taking taking place but that folks were not certain of what direction IWM should be moving in next.

IWM’s week ahead looks a bit different than SPY or QQQ’s given they recently broke out of a months-long trading range & are now working their way back towards the support of the 10 day moving average (~2% below Friday’s closing price), where there is also other local support levels, notable at $211.29 & between a zone of $209.19-209.29.

IWM’s support level strength will also have a few caveats, as prices are currently in a “NULL” range where there has yet to be enough data to sample in regards to buyer:seller strength, but there has been activity.

The next 8-10% downward is all buyer dominated, with the $198-199.99 zone currently the strongest & no seller zones until $192-193.99 (although that one is quite seller heavy, at 3.79:1).

IWM has support at the $212.97 (10 Day Moving Average, Volume Sentiment: NULL, 0:0*), $211.29 (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 2.4:0*), $209.29 (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 2.4:0*) & $209.19/share (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 2.4:0*) price levels, with resistance at the $226.64/share (52-Week High, Volume Sentiment: NULL, 0:0*) price levels.

IWM ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years
IWM ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~2 Years

DIA, the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF gained +0.71% last week, as volumes returned with Tuesday’s bullish session being the second highest volume session of the year.

DIA ETF - SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF's Technical Performance Over The Past Year
DIA ETF – SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF’s Technical Performance Over The Past Year

Their RSI has fallen from overbought levels since Thursday’s declines & currently sits at 61, while their MACD has curled over aggressively bearishly towards the signal line & the histogram shows impending weakness.

Volumes were +39.98% above average compared to the year prior last week (4,934,840 vs. 3,525,322), as it appears nature has (at least temporarily) healed, but the same concerns mentioned prior about how ~20% of the annualized average volume calculation has brought lower input levels & thus a lower average.

DIA is similar to IWM these days, as we’ve noted weekly for months now, mostly due to the fact that NVDA & other AI names are not components of them & have been driving SPY & QQQ higher for months now.

Monday kicked off last week on higher than average volume for DIA vs. the levels seen for the last few months, but indecision was in the air as the session opened up a gap up, but closed on a doji.

Tuesday the buyers came out in bunches to force prices to open on a gap up & a wide range session that resulted in a strong advance.

The tide signaled impending change on Wednesday though, when prices opened below Tuesday’s close & forced their way higher, but on less enthusiastic volume, indicating that there wasn’t much fuel left in the tank & signaling that there would indeed be some near-term profit taking.

Had Wednesday’s open not been below Tuesday’s close there would have been an evening star pattern created based on Thursday’s declining session, where the profit takers came out of the woodwork forcing the second highest volume session of the week on declines.

While it’s not a traditional shooting star, Thursday’s close carries with it the same negative sentiment in terms of a daily candle shape, bears adamantly denied the bullish attempt higher that did reset the all-time high for DIA & forced the close to be lower on the day.

Friday the negative sentiment continued, as volumes were slightly lower but still high on a gap down open that ultimately resulted in further declines on the day heading into the close.

The day’s lower shadow is larger than the upper one, signaling that there was (and still is) more room for downside movement as far as market participants are concerned, with the proximity of the 10 day moving average’s support to the price likely being one of the factors that managed to keep the close as high as it was.

IWM & DIA have traded similarly while they missed out on the AI-mania buying craze, and all eyes will be on watching the strength of the 10 DMA’s support & how the consolidation/trading range of the past few months holds up as strength of support levels.

Based on how congested the space is between the 50 & 10 DMAs it is unclear if if prices will wind up consolidating between them ever or if we skip to them dipping below the two moving averages & then hoping for strength of support from the levels in the $380’s, in which case the $383-383.99 zone will likely be the strongest based on the total number of touch-points there.

Should those be broken, the $373-374 range also has a handful of support points, including the 200 day moving average & the next lowest level has the strongest buyer:seller sentiment ($368-371.99 is 1.88:1 Buyers:Sellers).

Daily volumes will give the clues as to what might happen & should be watched closely in the next few weeks.

DIA has support at the $401.35 (10 Day Moving Average, Volume Sentiment: NULL, 0:0*), $399.64 (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 2:1), $396.94 (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 2:1) & $395.40/share (Volume Sentiment: Buyers, 2.6:1) price levels, with resistance at the $413.66/share (All-Time High, Volume Sentiment: NULL, 0:0*) price levels.

DIA ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years
DIA ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past ~3 Years

The Week Ahead

The new week kicks off on a quiet note as there is no major economic data scheduled for release on Monday.

Monday’s before the bell earnings reports include Bank of Hawaii, IQVIA, Truist Financial & Verizon Communications, with Agilysys, AGNC Investment, Alexandria RE, BOK Financial, Brown & Brown, Cadence Bank, Cadence Design, Calix Networks, Cathay Bancorp, Cleveland-Cliffs, Crown Holdings, Equity Lifestyle Properties, HealthStream, Medpace, Nucor, NXP Semiconductors, RLI Corp, Simpson Manufacturing, W.R. Berkley & Zions Bancorp scheduled to report after the session’s close.

Existing Home Sales data is released Tuesday at 10 am.

Tuesday morning kicks off with A.O. Smith, Albertsons, Avery Dennison, Banc of California, Coca-Cola, Community Financial System, Constellium, Danaher, First Bancorp, Franklin Electric, Freeport-McMoRan, GATX, GE Aerospace, General Motors, Genuine Parts, HCA, Herc Holdings, Invesco, Kimberly-Clark, Lockheed Martin, Moody’s, MSCI, Northwest Bancshares, Old National Bancorp, PACCAR, Pentair, Philip Morris International, Polaris Industries, PulteGroup, Quest Diagnostics, Sherwin-Williams, Spotify, UPS & Webster Financial reporting earnings, followed by Alphabet, Artisan Partners Asset Management, Brandywine Realty, Cal-Maine Foods, Canadian National Railway, Capital One Financial, Chubb, CoStar Group, East West Bancorp, EastGroup, Enova International, Enphase Energy, EQT Corp., First Commonwealth, Matador Resources, Mattel, Nabors Industries, Packaging Corp of America, PennyMac, Range Resources, Red Rock Resorts, Renasant, Retail Opportunity Investments, Seagate Technology, Tesla, Texas Instruments, Trustmark, Veritex Holdings, Vicor & Visa, West Fraser Timber after the closing bell.

New Home Sales data comes out Wednesday morning at 10 am.

Alkermes, Allegion, Amphenol, AT&T, Boston Scientific, Check Point Software, Chemed, CME Group, Evercore, FirstService, Fiserv, Fortive, GE Vernova, General Dynamics, Group 1 Auto, Healthcare Services Group, Interpublic, International Paper, KBR, Lamb Weston, Lennox International, Navient, NextEra Energy, NextEra Energy Partners, Old Dominion Freight Line, Pacific Premier, Popular, PROG Holdings, Rogers Communications, Roper, Rush Enterprises, Silicon Labs, Taylor Morrison Home, TE Connectivity, Teledyne Technologies, Tenet Healthcare, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Tower Semiconductor, Travel + Leisure, United Community Banks, Vertiv, Wabash National & Weatherford International report earnings on Wednesday morning, with Chipotle Mexican Grill, Alamos Gold, Align Technology, Ameriprise Financial, Canadian Pacific Kansas City, Carlisle Cos, Celestica, Century Communities, Churchill Downs, Community Health, Core Labs, Edwards Lifesciences, Essential Properties Realty Trust, First American Financial, Flex, Ford Motor, Globe Life, Graco, Helmerich & Payne, IBM, ICON, Impinj, Invitation Homes, Kaiser Aluminum, KLA Corp, Knight-Swift Transportation, MaxLinear, Meritage Homes, Methanex, Moelis, Molina Healthcare, Newmont, Oceaneering International, O’Reilly Automotive, Pathward Financial, Pebblebrook Hotel Trust, Pegasystems, Plexus, QuantumScape, RenaissanceRe, Republic Services, Rollins, Sallie Mae, ServiceNow, South State, Teradyne, Tyler Technologies, United Rentals, Universal Health, Valmont Industries, Viking Therapeutics, Waste Connections, Waste Management & Wyndham Hotels & Resorts all scheduled to report after the session’s close.

Thursday the action picks up at 8:30 am when GDP, Initial Jobless Claims, Durable-Goods Orders, Durable-Goods minus Transportation, Advanced U.S. Trade Balance in Goods, Advanced Retail Inventories & Advanced Wholesale Inventories data are all scheduled for release.

AbbVie, Arch Resources, AstraZeneca, Bread Financial, Brunswick, CBRE Group, Comcast, Cullen/Frost, Darling Ingredients, Dover, Dow, DTE Energy, EMCOR Group, Expro Group, FTI Consulting, Harley-Davidson, Hasbro, HNI, Honeywell, IMAX, Integer Holdings, Keurig Dr Pepper, Lazard, Lear, LKQ, Masco, Mohawk, NASDAQ, Northrop Grumman, NovoCure, Pool, Precision Drilling, Reliance, RPM, RTX, Ryder System, Sanofi, Southside Banc, Southwest Air, STMicroelectronics, TechnipFMC, Teck Resources, Tractor Supply, Tradeweb Markets, TransUnion, TRI Pointe Homes, Union Pacific, Valero Energy, Valley National, Visteon & West Pharmaceutical Services all report earnings before Thursday’s opening bell, followed by Agnico-Eagle Mines, Allison Transmission, Ameris Bancorp, AppFolio, Arthur J. Gallagher, Baker Hughes, BJ Restaurants, Boston Beer, Boyd Gaming, Cincinnati Financial, Columbia Banking, Columbia Sportswear, Coursera, Cousins Properties, Customers Bancorp, Deckers Outdoor, Dexcom, Digital Realty Trust, Eastman Chemical, Edison, Exponent, Federated Hermes, First Financial Bancorp, First Interstate Bancsystem, Gaming and Leisure Properties, Hartford Financial, Healthpeak Properties, Juniper Networks, Kinsale Capital, L3Harris Technologies, LendingTree, LPL Financial, McGrath RentCorp, Minerals Technologies, NOV, Olin, Phillips Edison & Company, Principal Financial Group, Provident Financial Services, Selective Insurance, Skechers USA, SkyWest, SPS Commerce, SS&C Technologies, Terex, Texas Roadhouse, TFI International, Ultra Clean Holdings, Veralto, VeriSign, WesBanco, Weyerhaeuser, Willis Towers Watson & WSFS Financial after the closing bell.

Friday morning is also a busy one on the data-front, starting at 8:30 am when we get Personal Income (nominal), Personal Spending (nominal), PCE Index, PCE Year-over-Year, Core PCE Index & Core PCE Index Year-over-Year data, followed by Consumer Sentiment (final) data at 10 am.

3M reports earnings Friday morning, along with AllianceBernstein, Aon, Avantor, Balchem, Barnes Group, Booz Allen Hamilton, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Centene, Charter Communications, Colgate-Palmolive, First Hawaiian, Franklin Resources, Gentex, GrafTech International, Imperial Oil, Newell Brands, Portland General Electric, Saia, Sensient, Stellar Bank, T. Rowe Price, TriNet Group & WisdomTree.

See you back here next week!


Daily VolTech Stock & ETF Volume & Technical Ratings 7/19/2024

Highest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – NVDA

2 – GLW

3 – IRM

4 – DHI

5 – TRGP

6 – RCL

7 – FICO

8 – CFG

9 – KKR

10 – DFS

Lowest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – WBA

2 – ALB

3 – NKE

4 – LULU

5 – EL

6 – AAL

7 – DPZ

8 – MOH

9 – LW

10 – APTV

Highest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – EQT

2 – CRWD

3 – WBA

4 – AMCR

5 – EG

6 – GPC

7 – NFLX

8 – DPZ

9 – SBUX

10 – ISRG

Lowest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – PARA

2 – JNPR

3 – GL

4 -CCL

5 – EQIX

6 – UDR

7 – APD

8 – MRO

9 – INCY

10 – KKR

Highest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – DPST

2 – WGMI

3 – CONL

4 – NVDL

5 – NVDU

6 – HZEN

7 – DAPP

8 – BCHG

9 – BITQ

10 – BKCH

Lowest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – BOIL

2 – NVD

3 – TSDD

4 – NVDS

5 – SSG

6 – LABD

7 – NVDD

8 – SRTY

9 – JDST

10 – DUST

Highest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – PQDI

2 – NTZG

3 – HSUN

4 – GJUL

5 – JULZ

6 – BSJV

7 – TCHI

8 – VSMV

9 – BKWO

10 – SPBC

Lowest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – OBND

2 – OVM

3 – GTR

4 – SHDG

5 – JHMB

6 – GGUS

7 – MIG

8 – VETZ

9 – JANH

10 – QLVD

Highest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – PSNL

2 – RGS

3 – TSSI

4 – EBS

5 – ZAPP


7 – WGS

8 – SERV

9 – ASTS

10 – JMIA

Lowest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – VLCN

2 – CNSP

3 – AVTE

4 – GWAV

5 – EFSH

6 – DSY

7 – AZTR

8 – MULN

9 – WENA

10 – GRI

Highest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – SXTP

2 – SNPH

3 – INTI

4 – XCUR

5 – PSNL

6 – AUGX

7 – HYZN

8 – CYTO

9 – ETRN

10 – NLY

Lowest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/19/2024’s Close:

1 – FISK

2 – NEN




6 – AMBO




10 – IOR


Daily VolTech Stock & ETF Volume & Technical Ratings 7/18/2024

Highest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – NVDA

2 – GLW

3 -IRM

4 – DHI

5 – TRGP

6 – FICO

7 – SYF

8 – CFG

9 – DFS

10 – KKR

Lowest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – WBA

2 – EL

3 – NKE

4 – ALB

5 – LULU

6 – AAL

7 – DPZ

8 – MOH

9 – SCHW

10 – LW

Highest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – DPZ

2 – DHI

3 – KMI

4 – ELV

5 – LLY

6 – CDNS

7 – ISRG

8 – UAL

9 – SCHW

10 – MTB

Lowest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – APD

2 – ADM

3 – DOC

4 – EVRG

5 – NWS

6 – BALL

7 – VTR

8 – CMI

9 – AON

10 – MRNA

Highest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – NVDL

2 – NVDU

3 – HZEN

4 – DPST

5 – KOLD

6 – TSLL

7 – USD

8 – WGMI

9 – NAIL

10 – BCHG

Lowest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – NVD


3 – TSDD

4 – SSG

5 – NVDS

6 – LABD

7 – UVIX

8 – SOXS

9 – NVDD

10 – JDST

Highest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – SPAX

2 – CFCV

3 – UNIY

4 – GSPY

5 – BKWO

6 – RVRB

7 – SNPD

8 – KSEA

9 – AWEG

10 – BBP

Lowest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – VETZ

2 – PSMJ

3 – FTCB

4 – SHDG

5 – MSMR

6 – LSST

7 – SBND

8 – TDI

9 – FORH

10 – IDEC

Highest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – ZAPP

2 – MEDS

3 – TSSI

4 – EBS

5 – SILO

6 – WTO

7 – KOSS

8 – WGS

9 – RGS

10 – JMIA

Lowest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – HLVX

2 – AIEV

3 – AVTE

4 – EFSH

5 – DSY

6 – AZTR

7 – MLGO

8 – MULN

9 – WENA

10 – GRI

Highest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/18/2024’s Close:

1 – SLG

2 – SLRX

3 – GNTA

4 – NEON

5 – BNOX

6 – NKGN

7 – ONCO

8 – BCTX

9 – JCSE

10 – YAYO

Lowest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/18/2024’s Close:



3 – GSIW

4 – VSTA

5 – SGLY

6 – GURE



9 – VAPO

10 – MOLN


Daily VolTech Stock & ETF Volume & Technical Ratings 7/17/2024

Highest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – GLW

2 – NVDA

3 – IRM

4 – SYF

5 – FICO

6 – CFG

7 – TER

8 – TRGP

9 – TSLA

10 – GNRC

Lowest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – WBA

2 – NKE

3 – EL

4 – ALB

5 – LULU

6 – AAL

7 – LW

8 – MOH

9 – DLTR

10 – SBUX

Highest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – SCHW

2 – RJF

3 – ELV

4 – NTRS

5 – OMC

6 – CFG

7 – JBHT

8 – NXPI

9 – MPWR

10 – USB

Lowest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – PARA

2 – APD

3 – GDDY

4 – COR

5 – DOC

6 – A

7 – EMN

8 – LYV

9 – INCY

10 – WST

Highest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – DPST

2 – WGMI

3 – HZEN

4 – NVDL

5 – DAPP

6 – NVDU

7 – BKCH

8 – CRPT

9 – BITQ

10 – SATO

Lowest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – BOIL

2 – TSDD

3 – NVD

4 – UVIX

5 – SRTY

6 – SSG

7 – TZA

8 – NVDS

9 – SOXS

10 – DUST

Highest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – CVSE

2 – CDEI

3 – EQUL

4 – UTRE

5 – FDNI

6 – QAT

7 – HISF

8 – EMBD

9 – CTEX

10 – EJAN

Lowest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – BHYB

2 – GTTR

3 – UNIY

4 – XVOL

5 – XHYE

6 – PSFD

7 – PSCW

8 – GLOW

9 – HJAN

10 – QIG

Highest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – ZAPP

2 – EBS

3 – TSSI

4 – MEDS


6 – SDST

7 – AREB

8 – FTEL

9 – WTO

10 – WGS

Lowest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – HLVX

2 – VLCN

3 – CNSP

4 – AIEV

5 – EFSH

6 – BNED

7 – CJET

8 – GRI

9 – WENA

10 – NWTN

Highest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/17/2024’s Close:

1 – GDTC

2 – ADTX

3 – TKNO

4 – SHIM


6 – WHLR

7 – NSA

8 – VCNX

9 – PRPO

10 – OSIS

Lowest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/17/2024’s Close:


2 – SGLY

3 – ELLO

4 – HRGN

5 – FGFH

6 – FDVA


8 – BCTF

9 – GSIW

10 – CVII


Price Level:Volume Sentiment Analysis For URA, The Global X Uranium ETF

URA, the Global X Uranium ETF has had a strong past year, advancing +47.72% (ex-distributions & using Tuesday 7/16/2024’s closing price & the adjusted closing price of 7/17/2023*).

Though they’ve fallen -9.54% since their 52-week high set on 5/20/2024, they’ve gained +42.22% since their 52-week low which occurred on 8/2/2023*.

With the acknowledgement that data centers & artificial intelligence are going to require more energy than what the U.S. currently has the capabilities of supplying, the conversation has begun to shift towards nuclear power as a solution.

For comparison on the power needs, current estimates state that a single data center uses the electricity equivalent of 50,000 homes.

An article I was reading the other day mentioned that Alphabet, Amazon & Microsoft have ~5,400 data centers, of which 600 are in full use.

That energy requirement comes out to ~30M homes worth of electricity, which is ~8x the number of houses in New Jersey (3.7M units, per NJLM), and it’s still only using 11% of the total number of data centers listed for those three companies.

Should this force more nuclear power generation there will be a greater demand for Uranium, making URA a prime candidate for investors to look at.

In addition to the exposure to the nuclear play, URA also has great international diversification, with only one of its top ten holdings being a US listed company (UEC, Uranium Energy Corp.).

While markets hover near all-time & 52-week highs as earnings season kicks off & market participants await a September FOMC interest rate announcement, there may be some volatility to present a more favorable entry to a position in URA.

It should be noted that URA pays a 5.75% distribution yield which can serve as a cushion for long-term holders in the event of a decline.

Below is a brief technical analysis of URA’s recent performance, as well as a breakdown of URA’s volume sentiment at the price levels it has traded at over the past 3-4 years.

It is not intended to serve as financial advice, but rather as an additional tool to reference while performing your own due diligence into URA.

* On 7/17/2023 URA closed at $21.879, but their adjusted close for this day was $20.61, which is why their overall annual quoted growth figure is larger than their 52-week low comparison, which is using the lowest of their quoted Low prices for the past year

Technical Analysis Of URA, The Global X Uranium ETF

URA ETF - Global X Uranium ETF's Technical Performance Over The Past Year
URA ETF – Global X Uranium ETF’s Technical Performance Over The Past Year

Their RSI is currently just below the neutral mark of 50 & sits currently at 49.82, while their MACD is bullish but signaling signs of weakness & like there is an impending bearish crossover in the coming days.

Over the past week & a half (excluding today, 7/17/2024) volumes have been -0.37% below the prior year’s average (2,642,300 vs. 2,652,048.81), most notably helped by a high volume bullish session on last Wednesday & yesterday’s above average bearish session.

Volumes as a whole have been lower than average for the better part of the last ten weeks as indicated by the major four index ETFs (SPY, QQQ, IWM & DIA).

Last week kicked off on a bearish note Monday, but the 10 day moving average was able to provide support & led to a bullish Tuesday & Wednesday.

Wednesday’s session advanced +4.4% day-over-day, breaking through the resistance of the 50 day moving average on the highest volume seen in two months, but things began to fall apart from there.

Thursday sent out an ominous message, as the session opened on a gap up, tested slightly higher, before resulting in a hanging man candle (bearish) that closed lower than it opened (also bearish).

As Thursday implied, the sentiment was risk off going into the weekend, with a touch of uncertainty as a high wave spinning top candle marked the close of the declining session with light volume.

This week opened up to profit taking on Monday, where there was slightly more volume than Friday but it was still subdued.

Yesterday (Tuesday, 7/16/2024) was where actual trouble began to show, as URA declined below the support of the 50 day moving average & continued lower to test the 10 DMA’s support with its lower shadow, closing just above it.

Yesterday’s volumes were the second highest of the past week & a half & show that there mood appears to have currently soured on URA for the near-term.

This morning that theme continued as prices opened around the 10 DMA & quickly drifted lower.

URA’s Average True Range has been declining since the beginning of July, but should begin to climb if this volatility continues into the near-term.

The good news is that in the event that the declines do continue on, URA has one support touch-point in the $29-29.99/share range, and a cluster of support from $28.50 (200 Day Moving Average) to $28.99/share.

The $29-29.99/share range is currently dominated by Sellers over the past 3-4 years at a ratio of 1.12:1, but the $28-28.99/share range has seen Buyers besting the sellers at a ratio of 1.14:1 in that time period, which should add strength to the support zone.

The data below can be used to help assess the strength of support & resistance levels for URA in the future, along with whatever other indicators, oscillators & market data that you prefer to use in your due diligence.

Price Level:Volume Sentiment Analysis Of URA, The Global X Uranium ETF

The top table below shows the support & resistance levels of XLK ETF from the past year’s chart, as well as their price level:volume sentiment at each, using Monday’s closing price.

The moving averages are denoted with bold.

The next charts show the volume sentiment at each individual price level URA has traded at over the past ~3-4 years.

Beneath them is a copy & pasteable list of the same data, where the support/resistance levels are denoted in bold.

All ratios with “0” in the denominator are denoted with a “*”.

NULL values are price levels that had limited trading volume, whether it be due to gaps, quick advances or they are at price extremes; in the event that they are retested & there is more data they would have a distinct “Buyers”, “Sellers” or “Even” title.

This is not intended as financial advice, but rather another tool to consider when performing your own research & due diligence on URA ETF or any of its components.

URA ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past 3-4 Years At Their Past Year's Support & Resistance Levels
The URA ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past 3-4 Years At Their Past Year’s Support & Resistance Levels
URA ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past 3-4 Years
URA ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past 3-4 Years
URA ETF's Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past 3-4 Years
Analyzing URA ETF’s Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past 3-4 Years

URA ETF’S Price Level:Volume Sentiment Over The Past 3-4 Years

$34 – NULL – 0:0*, +12.73% From Current Price Level

$33 – NULL – 0:0*, +9.42% From Current Price Level

$32 – Buyers – 1.25:1, +6.1% From Current Price Level

$31 – Buyers – 4:1, +2.79% From Current Price Level

$30 – Buyers – 1.1:1, -0.53% From Current Price Level – CURRENT PRICE BOX & 10 & 50 DAY MOVING AVERAGES**

$29 – Sellers – 1.12:1, -3.85% From Current Price Level

$28 – Buyers – 1.14:1, -7.16% From Current Price Level – 200 Day Moving Average*

$27 – Buyers – 1.06:1, -10.48% From Current Price Level

$26 – Buyers – 1.48:1, -13.79% From Current Price Level

$25 – Buyers – 2.3:1, -17.11% From Current Price Level

$24 – Buyers – 1.36:1, -20.42% From Current Price Level

$23 – Buyers – 1.33:1, -23.74% From Current Price Level

$22 – Buyers – 1.43:1, -27.06% From Current Price Level

$21 – Buyers – 1.35:1, -30.37% From Current Price Level

$20 – Sellers – 1.41:1, -33.69% From Current Price Level

$19.50 – Buyers – 2.14:1, -35.34% From Current Price Level

$19 – Buyers – 1.43:1, -37% From Current Price Level

$18.50 – Buyers – 1.16:1, -38.66% From Current Price Level

$18 – Sellers – 1.53:1, -40.32% From Current Price Level

$17.50 – Sellers – 2:1, -41.98% From Current Price Level

$17 – Sellers – 1.58:1, -43.63% From Current Price Level

$16.50 – Sellers – 1.83:1, -45.29% From Current Price Level

$16 – Sellers – 5:1, -46.95% From Current Price Level

$15.50 – Sellers – 2:1, -48.61% From Current Price Level

$15 – NULL – 0:0*, -50.27% From Current Price Level

$14.50 – NULL – 0:0*, -51.92% From Current Price Level


Daily VolTech Stock & ETF Volume & Technical Ratings 7/16/2024

Highest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – NVDA

2 – GLW

3 – TER

4 – IRM

5 – MPWR

6 – RCL

7 – TSLA

8 – AVGO

9 – FICO

10 – SYF

Lowest Technical Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – WBA

2 – NKE

3 – EL

4 – LULU

5 – ALB

6 – LW

7 – AAL

8 – DLTR

9 – SBUX

10 – BMY

Highest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – SCHW

2 – RJF

3 – PNC

4 – MTCH

5 – STT

6 – UNH

7 – MS

8 – BAX

9 – AMP

10 – JBHT

Lowest Volume Rated S&P 500 Components Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – ADSK

2 – ADBE

3 – FOX

4 – INCY

5 – HPE

6 – MNST

7 – BALL

8 – HES

9 – PARA

10 – PANW

Highest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – NVDQ

2 – NVDL

3 – NVDU

4 – WGMI

5 – USD

6 – SOXL

7 – DAPP

8 – DPST

9 – TSLL

10 – CRPT

Lowest Technical Rated ETFs Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – NVD

2 – TSDD

3 – BOIL

4 – NVDX

5 – SOXS

6 – SSG

7 – LABD

8 – UVIX

9 – NVDS

10 – JDST

Highest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – CPII

2 – XSHQ

3 – HYBB

4 – JVAL

5 – XTN

6 – QQQN

7 – MAYZ

8 – LSGR

9 – XTL

10 – IDEC

Lowest Volume Rated ETFs Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – ARP

2 – USCA

3 – KONG

4 – XHYH

5 – HJAN

6 – APRZ

7 – PSCW

8 – XCLR

9 – FEUS

10 – RTAI

Highest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – ZAPP

2 – TSSI

3 – EBS

4 – FTEL


6 – MEDS

7 – KOSS


9 – WULF

10 – SMR

Lowest Technical Rated General Stocks Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – HLVX

2 – VLCN

3 – CNSP

4 – AIEV

5 – EFSH

6 – GWAV

7 – ASLN

8 – DSY

9 – GRI

10 -BNED

Highest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – SILO

2 – TWO

3 – TKLF

4 – CDT

5 – SPRC

6 – LASE

7 – ATGL

8 – PAPL

9 – SHIM

10 – COSO

Lowest Volume Rated General Stocks Per 7/16/2024’s Close:

1 – VAPO

2 – SABK


4 – GV

5 – PLAG



8 – MSGM

9 – CHCI

10 – AMS