Globalstar Inc. GSAT Stock Analysis

Globalstar Inc. stock trades under the ticker GSAT & provisions mobile satellite services.

GSAT stock closed at $1.42/share on 8/10/2021, with technical signals indicating more bullishness to come.

Globalstar Inc. GSAT Stock Technical Performance For The Last Year

GSAT Stock Price: $1.42

10 Day Moving-Average: $1.38

50 Day Moving-Average: $1.48

200 Day Moving-Average: $1.12

RSI: 48

MACD: -0.041

GSAT’s share price is approaching its 50 Day Moving-Average, with the 10 Day MA ~7% behind the 50 Day.

In addition to the Moving Averages signaling bullishness, GSAT’s RSI is lightly oversold, as it is under 50.

Yesterday, Globalstar Inc completed a bullish MACD crossover, although their volume has been low recently vs. their average for the year.

I am looking at the 8/20 $1.50 call options, which are currently 6% away from being in-the-money, as well as the $1 calls.

For puts, I am looking at the $1.50 & $2 options, although the $1 puts have an unexpectedly high amount of open interest compared to other strike prices.

From a longer-term investment perspective, their P/B is a bit high at 6, although this isn’t exactly a deterrent for folks interested in their industry.

All-in-all, GSAT stock looks to have great opportunities for both long-term & short-term growth & should be on every trader’s radar.