On Monday I purchased some shares of TFI International stock, which trades under the ticker of TFII. After the close on 7/2, TFII stock traded for $36.44/share.
TFII’s P/E (ttm) is 9.2, and their P/B is 2.41, both attractive looking numbers when paired with their 2.09% Dividend Yield.

TFII’s Market Cap is $3.17B, with $92.49M in Total Cash & A Debt/Equity (ttm) of 137.8.
TFI International’s % Institutional Ownership is 35.2%, and it is a member of the Industrials Sector.
TFI International Inc. TFII’s Stock Technical Overview

TFI International trades at $36.44, with a 10-Day Moving Average of 34.2, a 50-Day Moving Average of 30.37 & a 200-Day Moving Average of 29.71, showing signs of strength.
TFII’s RSI on the one year chart was 76 at the time of this being written.
TFI International Inc. TFII Stock Fundamentals Compared To The Industrial Sector Averages
TFII’s P/E (ttm) is 74.6% less than the Industrials Sector average, and their P/B is almost 37% lower than average.

Their Market Cap is 41% less than the sector average, which is reflected in their 42% lower than average % Institutional Ownership. Their Dividend Yield is 17% less than average for the sector, but their Payout Ratio is only 4.5% lower than average. Given the size & age of the company vs. its peers, it is understandable that it has less cash and a higher Debt/Equity Ratio than average.
Despite the lagging areas, their current technicals make them interesting when combined with their fundamentals.

TFI International Inc. TFII Stock Vs. The Road & Rail Industry Average Fundamentals
TFII has a 53% better P/E (ttm) & a 34% better P/B than the Road & Rail Industry averages. Their Dividend Yield is almost 14% better than average, with a 13% better Payout Ratio (ttm).

TFII has a 47% lower Debt/Equity (ttm) than the average for Road & Rail stocks, which is important when making the comparison to their peers, given that they’re 76% smaller by Market Cap.

TFI International Inc. TFII Stock Vs. The S&P 500 & NASDAQ Indexes

TFII’s stock has grown by 127.47% since it IPO’d in 2005, and overall has grown +174.22% including all dividends they have offered over the year (per their investor relations site).
The S&P 500 has increased by 154.7% & the NASDAQ has increased by 366.8% over the same time period since the day of TFII’s IPO.

Tying It All Together
Overall, I purchased these shares because I liked the blend of TFII’s fundamentals & their current technicals. While they may not have as many green comparison percentages as other stocks I post, their size & age vs. the rest of their sector puts them in a unique position.
I certainly think that they’re worth taking a look into for further review.
Full PDF Report Here:
*** I own shares of TFII, as stated in the article’s intro ***