CAI International Inc. CAI Stock Analysis

CAI International Inc. stock trades under the ticker CAI, and offers some interesting opportunities for traders & investors alike. In addition to having good fundamentals & technicals, they also recently began issuing a dividend, which made it stand out & be worth taking a deeper look.

Breaking Down CAI International Inc. CAI Stock Fundamentals

CAI closed for trading at $27.24/share on 9/18/2020, which gives it a P/E (ttm) of 16.8, a P/B of 0.82 & a newly created Dividend Yield of 3.67%.

Breaking Down CAI International Inc. CAI's Stock Fundamentals

That Dividend is protected by a low 16.1% Payout Ratio, meaning that they have enough cash to continue making payments, and increase the yield if need be.

CAI International Inc. is a small cap stock, with a Market Cap of $478.14M, and has $47.9M of Total Cash (mrq).

Despite their Debt/Equity (ttm) of 355.6 being higher than the stocks we like to publish about and their small cap status, CAI still has a 84.6% % Institutional Ownership.

CAI’s technical rating is 182.8 on our scale.

CAI International Inc. CAI’s Stock Technicals Broken Down

Part of the appeal of CAI stock is that their technicals are showing a good deal of strength.

CAI International Inc. CAI Stock Technicals Analyzed Showing Strength

CAI Price: $27.24

10 Day Moving-Average: $22.88

50 Day Moving-Average: $20.06

200 Day Moving-Average: $20.84

RSI 76

CAI’s 50 Day Moving-Average is set to break through the 200 Day Moving-Average soon, which should add some increased support & push their price higher.

When compared with their peers in their sector & industry, CAI is far ahead of the pack, showing one of the strongest Technical Ratings in the market currently.

CAI Stock Technical Rating: 182.8

Industrials Sector Average Technical Rating: 23.46

Trading Companies & . Distributors Industry Average Technical Rating: 28.29

CAI International Inc. CAI Stock Vs. The Industrials Sector Average Fundamentals

CAI Stock has a P/E (ttm) that is 59.7% lower than the Industrials Sector Stock Average, and an 81.7% lower than average P/B. Their new Dividend Yield is 63.8% higher than the Industrials Sector average, with a 10.6% lower than average Payout Ratio, suggesting their dividend is safer than average.

CAI International Inc.’s stock also has 42.5% better than average % Institutional Investors, and their Technical Rating is 679.2% better than the Industrials sector average.

CAI International Inc. CAI's Stock Fundamentals Vs. The Industrials Sector Averages

As a small cap stock, it isn’t surprising to see that CAI’s Market Cap is 92% lower than average, resulting in a 93% lower than average amount of Total Cash (ttm).

Their Debt/Equity (ttm) is higher than what we like to publish about, being 229.8% higher than average, and the stock price may fluctuate a bit more than the average stock, as its Beta is 42.9% higher than average for an Industrials stock.

Industrials Sector Average Stock Fundamentals

Comparing CAI International Inc. CAI’s Stock Fundamentals Vs. The Trading Companies & Distributors Industry Averages

CAI International Inc.’s stock also has many similar advantages over its peers in the Trading Companies & Distributors Industry. CAI’s P/E (ttm) is 78% lower than average, with their P/B 70.5% less than average.

CAI’s Dividend Yield is 12.9% higher than average, with a 33.5% higher than average % Institutional Ownership & a 546% better than average Technicals Rating.

CAI International Inc Stock Fundamentals Vs. The Trading Companies & Distributors Industry Averages

Small Cap CAI is 85% smaller than their average industry peer, and their Total Cash (mrq) is almost 80% less than average. Their Debt/Equity (ttm) is 171% higher than average.

Trading Companies & Distributors Industry Average Stock Fundamentals

CAI International Inc. CAI’s Stock Performance Vs. The S&P 500 & NASDAQ Historically

Since they began trading on 5/16/2007, CAI International Inc.’s stock has grown by 84%. If you add their new Dividend Yield they have grown 85%, following only one quarter of payments.

CAI International Inc. CAI Stock Performance Vs. The S&P 500 Index Since IPO

In that same time, the S&P 500 has grown 119.2%, excluding dividends.

CAI International Inc. CAI Stock Performance Vs. The NASDAQ Index Since IPO

The NASDAQ Index has grown 323.7% in that time, excluding dividends.

Moving forward with the 3.67% Dividend Yield, there is now a much stronger case for investing in CAI stock to compete with the S&P 500 for returns.

Tying It All Together With CAI International Inc. CAI Stock

Overall, CAI stock offers many unique advantages that trades & investors can both benefit from. Their recent technical strength is appealing to traders, while investors like their fundamentals and new 3.67% annual Dividend Yield. When looking at their growth prospects, and adding in the new yield, there is an even stronger case for investment.


Pacific Ethanol, Inc. PEIX Stock Review

Pacific Ethanol, Inc. trades under the ticker PEIX & has recently had very strong technical performance. I’m looking at their options, and am interested in either buying the in-the-money $6 calls as they are currently set to open <$7/share due to today’s volatility, or I may set up a straddle using the $7 PEIX calls & puts with the October 16th expiration.

PEIX Price (per 9/18/20 Close): $7.10

10 Day Moving-Average: $5.13

50 Day Moving-Average: $3.19

200 Day Moving-Average: $1.20

RSI: 77

While today I will likely be selling SPXS & SQQQ calls, this is a play that I am going to be looking to make within the coming days to take advantage of their recent strength.


Digital Turbine Inc. APPS Stock

Digital Turbine Inc. trades under the ticker APPS & has recently exhibited a lot of technical strength. I’m looking at their October calls, at the moment favoring the slightly in-the-money $30 calls to the $35’s for some added protection from volatility.

Digital Turbine Inc. APPS One Year Chart

APPS Price: $32.35

10 Day Moving-Average: $25.79

50 Day Moving-Average: $20.13

200 Day Moving-Average: $10.23

RSI: 74

While I am looking at the calls now, they may offer an opportunity for longer-term investment in time once we achieve more market clarity & less volatility.


Giga Metals Corp. HNCKF Stock Overview

Giga Metals Corp. trades under the ticker HNCKF, and has recently shown technical strength making it worth looking closer at from a trading perspective. This is especially true, given that at the moment futures are pointing lower across the board & they focus on mining & are an OTC stock.

Gigal Metals Corp. HNCKF Stock Chart For The Last Year

HNCKF Price: $1.27

10 Day Moving-Average: $0.73

50 Day Moving-Average: $0.34

200 Day Moving-Average: $0.22

RSI: 83

I’ll be taking a look at them today & potentially making a few trades depending on how they perform, but their recent gap up a few days ago has them in a position of strength that may be able to be built upon further.


Lifeway Foods, Inc. LWAY Stock

Yesterday I picked up some shares of Lifeway Foods, Inc., which trades under the ticker LWAY. LWAY has presented strong technical performance recently, so after reviewing their chart I decided to buy some shares. I don’t plan to hold them long, but do still see some room for them to run to add to yesterday’s profits.

LWAY stock closed for trading at $7.45/share on 9/15/2020.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. LWAY Stock Chart For The Past Year

LWAY Price: $7.45

10 Day Moving-Average: $5.22

50 Day Moving-Average: $3.82

200 Day Moving-Average: $2.63

RSI: 68

While I intend to just trade this for now, there may be a move to invest for the longterm in the business upon a market pullback.

*** I Currently Own Shares Of LWAY Stock ***

Trillium Therapeutics Inc. TRIL Stock

Trillium Therapeutics Inc. trades under the ticker TRIL & has exhibited strength, after gapping up on 9/9/2020. I’ll be looking at their options this week, both TRIL Calls & Puts, as it looks to establish a new range after the gap. As of the pre-market they’re currently trading at $15, so the $15 calls are at-the-money, will be trading around the at-the-money options in either direction.

Trillium Therapeutics Inc. TRIL Stock Chart For Last Year

TRIL Price: $14.89 (per 9/14 close)

10 Day Moving-Average: $11.34

50 Day Moving-Average: $8.84

200 Day Moving-Average: $5.44

RSI: 75


Workhorse Group Inc WKHS

Workhorse Group Inc. has been showing up as a very strong technical performer for the last week, and I have been trading in & out of call options for them recently. Currently holding some $23 calls that expire this upcoming Friday, and may trade some additional ones this week.

Workhorse Group Inc. WKHS Stock Chart For Past Year

With a price of $23.69, they still show room to climb with the following moving averages:

10 Day Moving-Average – $20.21

50 Day Moving-Average – $17.13

200 Day Moving-Average – $6.77

RSI – 68

Given the nature of their industry & their fundamentals, I’m not interested in it as an investment, but am seeing the value in trading around WKHS.

*** I Currently Hold $23 WKHS Calls Expiring 9/18 ***

9/12/2020 Stock Market Outlook & Review

Last Week In The Market

Last week had a lot of interesting earnings reports, and a bit of an unwinding of the NASDAQ & S&P 500. This was overdue, as the NASDAQ had far outpaced the S&P based on vaccine optimism, and people looking to trade tech as they deemed it the best work-from-home market option. I didn’t make too many trades, but did pick up some PTON calls, as well as WKHS calls. Some of the WKHS calls I am carrying over the weekend, although I sold many of them last week.

I also sold some CYDY after 45%+ gains, and rolled the profits into AGNC, whose 12.67% Dividend Yield is paid out monthly, adding a nice 1% of my principle back to my portfolio each month. I also hold PSEC which is a similar type of company, but recently began diversifying by holding both.

As the summer has been a bit nuts between losing a close friend (and avid reader of my site, he used to text on Sunday nights asking when posts were coming out if one wasn’t up yet) in July & some trips taken recently, I have not been updating the site as often as I normally would. With that said, a couple of weeks ago I picked up DHT for the quick Dividend Play as they were paying out $0.48/share, it was a quick hold for 8%. Depending on what their next announced dividend is I may do it again as well.

What I’m Watching This Week

Well the Patriots of course…

We’ve got some interesting earnings calls coming up that may give us more color into the true shape of the economy this week. That will pair perfectly with the US Industrial Production numbers (Tuesday), Retail numbers (Wednesday), Business Inventories (Wednesday), NAHB Housing Market Index (Wednesday), & FOMC Economic Projections & Fed’s Rate Decision (Wednesday).

Thursday we will get a look into Jobless claims & employment figures, Housing Starts & Permits data, before Friday we hear about the Michigan Consumer Sentiment numbers & accompanying Inflation Expectations.

This has the potential to throw a little more volatility our way, especially when you look at the current 1 year NASDAQ chart, and see that the current level has intercepted the 50 Day Moving-Average.

NASDAQ Level Intercepting Its 50 Day Moving-Average

This to me shows that we may have a little more volatility coming our way in the near future. This would be healthy for markets, and also be appealing for some new stock entry points.

Final Thought – My CNBC Fast Money Appearance Last Week

Last week I was on CNBC’s Fast Money, with my post-Covid haircut & handlebar mustache, had to share it here!

FBL Financial Group Inc. $FFG Stock Analysis

This weekend I took a look at FBL Financial Group Inc., which trades under the ticker FFG. FFG closed for trading on 9/11 at $49.75/share & offers many interesting advantages for investors & traders alike, as it has great fundamentals, as well as technicals too.

Breaking Down FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG’s Fundamentals

FBL Financial Group Inc.’s P/E (ttm) is 14.8, with a P/B of 0.78 and a low Beta of 0.22

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG's Stock Fundamentals Broken Down

FFG offers a 4.02% annual Dividend, with a 47.2% Payout Ratio, showing that it has the strength to be sustained in the coming years.

While their Market Cap is only $1.22B (small compared to their peers), they have a Debt/Equity (ttm) of 7.51, which is very low, and $142.62M in Total Cash (mrq).

Due to their small cap status, they have a 28.2% % Institutional Ownership.

They also scored a high Technical Rating of 131.9, which is mostly attributed to strength from their recent gap up from $37.25 to $48.87 on 9/4/2020.

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG’s Technical Strength Analyzed

FFG is currently showing a lot of technical strength, with their 10 Day Moving-Average at 42.45, 20 Day Moving-Average at 37.35 & their 200 Day Moving-Average is 43.84.

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG's Stock Technicals Broken Down

As mentioned prior, their recent gap up on 9/4 is the primary reason for their high RSI of 80, which will become a more normal level once they establish a new range.

FFG’s Technical Rating is 131.9, which is much higher than the Financials Sector’s (-33.3) and the Insurance Industry’s (-6.3).

This makes them very attractive from an active trader’s standpoint.

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG’s Fundamentals Vs. The Financials Sector

FBL Financial Group Inc.’s stock fundamentals outperform their Financials Sector peers, making them appealing to investors.

FFG’s P/E (ttm) is 27.5% lower than average, and their P/B is 80.7% less than average. with a 78.8% lower Beta than their sector peers.

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG's Stock Fundamentals Vs. The Financials Sector Averages

FFG’s Dividend Yield trails the average Financial Sector stock by 10.9%, but their Payout Ratio is 30% more sustainable than the sector average, another good sign to investors.

FFG’s Market Cap is 80.5% lower than the Financials Sector average, leading to their 99% less Total Cash (mrq) & 39.3% lower % Institutional Ownership.

Their impressive Debt/Equity (ttm) is 95.4% lower than average, and their Technical Rating of 131.9 is much higher & advantageous to the sector average of -33.3.

Financials Sector Average Fundamentals

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG Stock Fundamentals Vs. The Insurance Industry Averages

FBL Financial Group Inc.’s stock also has a leg up on its peers in the Insurance Sector. FFG’s P/E (ttm) is 67.5% lower than the Insurance Industry average, and their P/B is 95.2% less than average.

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG's Stock Fundamentals Vs. The Insurance Industry Averages

FFG’s Dividend Yield is 33.1% better than the Insurance Industry average & their Debt/Equity (ttm) is an incredible 90.2% better than average.

Their small Market Cap is 84.7% less than average, resulting in their 52.8% lower than average % Institutional Ownership & their 97% lower than average Total Cash (mrq).

FFG’s Technical Rating of 131.9 is much higher than the Insurance Industry Average of -6.3.

Insurance Industry Average Stock Fundamentals

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG’s Stock Has Outperformed The S&P 500 & Competes With NASDAQ For Total Lifetime Returns

Since FFG IPO’d on 7/19/1996, they have grown by 437.84%, which when collected dividends are included jumps to 763.84%. In that same time period the S&P 500 has only increased by 423.06% excluding dividends.

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG Stock Has Outperformed Vs. S&P 500 Since IPO

In that same time, the NASDAQ has grown 888.77%, excluding dividends.

FBL Financial Group Inc. FFG's Stock Has Performed Comparably To The NASDAQ Index Since IPO

This ability to grow is a great sign for investors.

Tying It All Togeher

Overall, FFG’s stock offers a lot of advantages for both short term traders & long term investors. Their recent success has made their technicals very attractive, which is especially important in a time of minor corrections & pivots that we have seen over the last week.

Their fundamentals look great, especially the appeal of such low debt with a sustainable 4%+ dividend yield, and they have achieved consistent & solid enough growth since they IPO’d to make them worth considering for any investor’s portfolio.

I am going to begin looking at them once they begin to define their new range, as currently it is too early to pick a good entry point.

For Full PDF Report:


Market Outlook & Review 8/16/2020

Another flat week in markets… S&P 500 up narrowly, NASDAQ down narrowly… somewhat fixing the spread between the two that inevitably needs to correct soon. While we cover a lot of smaller cap names with strength, the distance that biotech & the largest tech companies has created has made things a bit more overblown than usual in the NASDAQ index.

Last Weeks Trades – WMT & SPXS Calls, Trimming Gains On STX, TFII, WCLD & SKYY

Last week was a trimming week in the longterm hold category. I purchased CRON shares, and still have outstanding $7 calls with a few months to expiration. I still like the company fundamentals, and am looking to see a boom headline in the space move the overall cannabis segment. CRON offers solid fundamentals compared to their peers, although I am also looking into Aphria Inc. whose ticker is APHA.

I also took profits on STX, TFII, WCLD & SKYY, closing all positions. I will look to reenter after a shakeout of prices, but the current gains warranted a close & re-entry.

On the options front, on Thursday afternoon I purchased WMT calls for $132 with a next day expiration which closed with a solid profit. I also purchased some $6 SPXS calls with a 10/16 expiration, to add to an existing spread of $7-9 calls for the same date, as I expect to see volatility rise before the election & “COVID-19 second wave”.

Market Reports We’re Watching This Week

The beginning of the week is a bit major-news-light, but Wednesday we will be watching the US Building Permits count & Change, as well as the FOMC minutes.

On Thursday, the Initial Jobless Claims & 4 Week Average reports will be released.

Closing the week, on Friday, there will be many PMI Survey Numbers & Existing Homes Sales numbers release.

In these times where it is difficult to gauge exactly where the economy is heading, these numbers may offer us some sobriety from the plethora of earnings reports coming in.

This Week’s Earnings Reports

There are 517+ earnings calls this week, many of which are large cap companies in the tech & consumer spaces. Walmart , Home Depot & Salesforce are among a number of names to be watching for their reports.

It’s beneficial to be watching how these economic numbers pair up with the earnings report numbers, as it will give greater insight into the true spread between the market indexes & the overall real economy, as a lot of highly-saturated large names have been dictating the flow of the macro indexes for the most part recently.